Do you want to learn kvCore?
Let's find out what you already know, or don't know...
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Question 1 of 13
I'm using kvCore as my sole CRM. I know how to work with contacts in my system. It's working for me!
Yes - to this entire statment
Nope! I'm scared of putting all my contacts in kvCore
Question 2 of 13
I have seller and buyer drip campaigns currently active and running in my kvCore..
I'm not sure
Question 3 of 13
I know how to create new email or text templates in my Marketing Autopilot. I also know how to modify and customize my drip campaigns. And I understand how my campaigns are triggered.
Yes - to this entire statement
No - to all or some of this statement
Question 4 of 13
I know how to create a single property squeeze page! I also know how to post it, boost it and/or get leads from that squeeze page directly imported into my kvCore Smart CRM.
Question 5 of 13
I know the difference between a landing page and a squeeze page in kvCore.
Yes, 100%
No, not really
Question 6 of 13
I have manually added SEO pages AND key word phrases into my kvCore website settings. AND, I understand the importance of these pages.
I have no idea what this means
Question 7 of 13
I can create custom pages on my own kvCore website, place them in a category and I know how to display them in my custom navigation.
Absolutely. I can do this easily.
I don't really know how to start.
I have no idea what this means.
Question 8 of 13
I have a full understanding of how behavior alerts, search alerts, market reports and valuations work in kvCore.
Yes - 100%
I have some understanding, but I would rank myself 75% or less
No clue
Question 9 of 13
Blogging in kvCore is easy. I fully understand why blogging to kvCore matters.
Yes, I'm a kvCore blogger
I have blogged to kvCore but not in forever and I really don't know why it's a good thing
Say what? I didn't know I could blog in kvCore
Question 10 of 13
I totally understand the Smart Number and how the Call Capture codes work in kvCore.
I"m going to answer no, not really, to this one
Question 11 of 13
I have the kvCore Mobile App downloaded to my phone. I'm also logged into it and use it to reply to my leads messages and/or to call my leads.
No - to some or all of this statement
What? I didn't know kvCore had a mobile app or dialer!
Question 12 of 13
I have a Facebook Business Page for my real estate business and I am posting kvCore squeeze pages on my business page.
Yes, I have a biz page, but I'm not posting squeeze pages there.
No. I don't have or really don't use my real estate business page on Facebook
Question 13 of 13
Describe the way you'd like help with kvCore.
I want to DIY it. I like learning to do things myself.
I want to reduce my learning curve by participating in live and on-demand trainings.
Help! I want someone to get things all setup for me and then teach me how to take it over.
I want 1-on-1 tutoring and am not interested in A, B or C.
I don't plan on using kvCore at all going forward